About Me

Hello! My name is Cassie (short for Cassandra). I love to travel and over time the obsession has grown. This is my first ever website and I am still learning the ins and outs, please bear with me.

I love sharing my travel experiences with others. Especially because of how many people want to travel too! I commonly hear “I wish I could afford to travel” or “My best memory is from (insert travel story here)”. And the thing is, I’m broke! I have an ok paying job and my husband has an ok paying job. It is enough to pay the bills (with tight budgeting) with a little left over. That little left over is all we have to travel with. So I have become a travel budget expert! Ok, maybe not expert, but I do spend a LOT of time researching to make places like New Zealand an affordable destination.

So if you want to travel, but need to keep the budget small, my posts may help with some ideas. And if you want to travel while not leaving your couch, my posts may provide an outlet.

Thanks for viewing and happy travels!
